SBM Offshore is rated a Buy or Strong Buy by many analysts. In the magazine for investors Effect (issue 6 June 2023), SBM Offshore is ranked #2 among stocks that are favourably rated by analysts. By the way, #1 is Vivoryon. This share is also listed a Sell in our equity research.
So what does this all mean. Do analists know something we don't or is it the other way around. Based on our 7+ year track record compounding at 17.5% p.a., on average, and a Sharpe ratio twice that of the index you would want to pause for thought.
SBM Offshore has been a Sell in our Equity research since December 2022. For now we look to be on the right side of things as these have been the monthly performances:
Dec: -3.6%
Jan: -1.6%
Feb: -3.9%
Mar: -1.4%
Apr: +0.8%
May: -0.8%
The share remains a Worst in our model. And to give some colouring the fundamentals are neutral, but solvency, trust (incl. aggressive accounting) and liquidity are bad or deteriorating. Operating cash flow negative and getting more negative over the years. High debt burden will not help growing profitability.
The next expected reporting date is around 8 August 2023. Let's see how that goes. For now our clients are not invested in SBM Offshore.
Image credited to SBM Offshore.